
Veneers are a fine, professionally crafted piece of porcelain or composite placed as a layer on the front surface of your tooth.

 They serve as an exceptional solution for covering teeth with imperfections, such as mild dislocations, chips, and slight crookedness, as well as closing gaps. Veneers are also effective for whitening and enhancing your teeth and smile. Whether you're aiming for a Hollywood smile or simply seeking whiter, brighter, and straighter teeth, ImpressiveSMIILES offers a genuine state-of-the-art service to meet all your needs.

Two common types of veneers are available, distinguished by the materials used—porcelain or composite. Porcelain, known for mirroring the natural characteristics of tooth enamel, can provide your smile with a new, natural lustre in as few as two appointments. Alternatively, composite veneers are another excellent option, offering a durable and cost-effective solution for enhancing your teeth and achieving that desired radiant smile.